♦ God Bless Our Veterans ♦

June 12th is “WOMEN VETERANS RECOGNITION DAY” marking the anniversary of the day the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on June 12, 1948. We proudly recognize and honor the following WOMEN VETERANS from our congregations:
- VETERAN MARY GUIDRY – Served in the U. S. Air Force during the Vietnam era.
- VETERAN BENNIE BLAKE – Served in the U. S. Air Force during the Vietnam era.
- VETERAN CYNTHIA JONES BLOUNT – Veteran of Foreign War during the Vietnam era. Sadly, she died as a victim of the “Agent Orange” disorder.
- AIRMAN MUZYK YOUNG -Presently in active-duty service at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

It was the 11th hour, of the 11th month, in the year 1911, that President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed that day as “ARMISTICE DAY” as he signed the declaration to end World War I and honor the bravery and sacrifice of all United States Veterans. “ARMISTICE DAY” later became “VETERANS DAY” and continues to provide opportunities to recognize and express gratitude to the men and women of our Armed Forces.
During the Veterans Day weekend, the congregations of Sloan UMC, Wesley UMC, St. Mark’s UMC and Ebenezer UMC paid tribute to the seventeen men and women of their congregations who had served in various branches of the United States Armed Forces. The “Salute to Veterans” during the morning worship service, was coordinated by Mrs. Laverne Guillory, Chairperson of Small-Group Ministries, and included the presentation of Certificates of Recognition from the State of Texas’ House of Representatives via the office of State Representative Harold V. Dutton, Jr. – District 142. The Veterans also received individual gift bags with trophies, miniature flags, and notes of commendation.